Vegan meals- Help!

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Since i've been neglecting the food side of things a little lately (i've been relying on Chloe's Vegan Italian Kitchen), i figured i'd finally give you what you've been asking for and do a meal idea series.

So before i begin, i wanted to ask you guys what are some things you have trouble with when it comes to meals? Intolerances? Time constraints? Nutritional value (high protein, more iron etc)?

I want to know what would be most helpful to you and i was thinking i'd do short videos for breakfast, lunch and dinner; each with 3 ideas.

Leave your ideas, suggestions and favorite meals below!

(in the picture i was having avocado on a bagel with crushed pepper flakes, hemp scramble, oranges and then cranberry juice, tea and water to drink!)


currently there's 1 comment, would you like to add YOUR THOUGHTS?

  1. I am currently vegetarian and I am aspiring to become vegan but right now I am a student and budget is a concern. Also, I really enjoy scrambled eggs and cheesy things, so if there are any good alternatives or recipes. What is your favoourite quick vegan snack/dessert?
